Friday, June 29, 2012

10 Motivational Fitness Quotes To Keep You The ... - Winston Pilates

Written by Winston Carney

Starting to wonder if you?re going to ever achieve your fitness goals? Wondering if it?s all worth it in the end? Get the bounce back in your step with these inspiring and motivating fitness quotes we?ve gathered from around the internet!

It?s all too easy to focus on the negatives. Find the positives and you?ll find yourself bounding over those obstacles like they weren?t even there.

Via J.W Didier

So you don?t start off as the fastest or the best. No one does. Take pride in the fact you?re out there doing it while many are still trying to find the motivate to even get moving!

Via Tara Knowles

It?s all too easy to get caught up with numbers, charts and stats as you try to measure your goals, but there?s one measurement that can never be faked ? how you feel inside. Make that your true guide!

Via Honeybear Lane.

It?s all too easy to get paralysed with fear when looking at a goal miles in the distance. Breaking it down into small manageable chunks help get you moving and you?ll be surprised how quickly you then end up at the place you never thought you?d reach.

Via Fitsugar.

Feel like working out is the last thing you?re in the mood for? Give yourself that extra push? your body and mind are going to thank you for it!

Via Eat. Drink. Paleo.

The sad truth is that none of us start and are immediately great whether it be at Pilates, running, yoga or anything in life? however the act of starting takes you one step closer. Keep going you?re going to get there!

Via That ARThletic Girl.

Feel like you?ve reached your limits? Put your mind to it and you can achieve anything!

Via Simply Shredded.

We all know what is good for us. We all know what we should do. To make it happen though we need to take action. Bruce Lee style!

Via Muscle and Strength.

Surrounded by people telling you it?s not possible to achieve. Stop listening to them and start proving them wrong!

Via Fit Triggercrazy.

Annoyed with yourself for not getting the most out of your workout? Let it go. The fact you even turned up and give it a go makes you awesome.

Via Hasfit.

Feeling inspired to get going with a new fitness challenge? If you?re based in the Los Angeles / Santa Monica area then why not join us for a Pilates session? Located just footsteps from Santa Monica beach it doesn?t get much for invigorating and re-juvenating than our studio ? learn more about our classes here!


blue ivy

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